Table of Contents

Student Success Reflection


Have all course and program outlines been updated in the last 6 years?

Curriculum response will be included in your executive summary report.

For all programs with degree and certificates: How well do your courses support the program student learning outcomes? How do you know?

Are students able to complete the courses required for your degrees and/or program in a "normal" timeframe?

Address any major changes or additions in curriculum in the past 6 years.

Student Success

After each data set provide a narrative reflection about the significance of the data for its programs for the past 5 years.

Provide a short, written reflection for the following sections:

  • Course sequence and scheduling: How effective are course scheduling, offerings, and sequence in students completing their educational goal? How do you know?

  • How successful are students in your courses? How do you know?

SLO Assessment

Please provide a summary of your discipline's SLO Assessment results over the last 6 years.

Based on your discipline's SLO assessment work, what impovements to student learning have occured? How do you know?

List, as a set of outcomes, the discipline’s plans for continuous quality improvement for student learning outcomes.